Born to ride the storm


You are the greatest of all creation
There is nothing on earth like you
The stars in their beauty cannot compare
All land at you in wonder stare

Why worry, be anxious, doubt or fear?
The mist of uncertainty will always clear
Shine the light of love in all your ways
The bright side of life in all your days


Direct the winds of passion to your goal
Ride them well, keep strong and bold
As you sail the sea to your destination
Keep your mind & heart in preparation

For sudden tides of shortcomings & setbacks
Use them to execute a glorious comeback
The rains of temptation boasts its strength
Let your level of patience be great in length

You will then stand victorious as an overcomer
Because like you there is none other
As obstacles come in any shape or form
Know that you were born to ride the storm!



  1. “Ride them well, keep strong and bold”…It’s good to know we are never alone when perserverence is our only road. Great post!


  2. “For sudden tides of shortcomings & setbacks
    Use them to execute a glorious comeback
    The rains of temptation boasts its strength….”

    great lines, great images, wonderful post!! πŸ™‚


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